Category Archives: Medical

2023 and the Post-COVID re-boot

I’m ready for new opportunities to help explain science and engineering with my expert-level skills at photography. I’ve had a life-long curiosity for learning about how this miraculous universe works.

Also posted in Biotech, Commercial photography, Editorial Work, Purdue

No rest for the needed..

I made this montage from various photographs made for Purdue University, walk-in clients, and other entities. I work quickly before the decisive moment has passed.   

Click the image to see in detail, thanks for dropping by!

Also posted in Biotech, Commercial photography, Editorial Work, Pets, Portraits, Purdue, Uncategorized

Finding the extraordinary in ordinary

Finding the extraordinary in ordinary situations, it’s what seasoned professional image makers do.

Also posted in Commercial photography, Editorial Work, Portraits

Profiles in cancer research

Honored again to make the rounds at Purdue University making portraits of cancer researchers.

Dr. Tiffany Lyle

Dr. Tiffany Lyle

Dr. Herman Sintim

Dr. Herman Sintim

Also posted in Editorial Work, Purdue

Medical Center, Day in the Life

I am often called on to make images to explain medicine, and to help educate and ease anxiety for patients.  Sometime the images are also used for community building on a large campus.

Also posted in Commercial photography, Editorial Work Tagged |