Category Archives: Editorial Work

2023 and the Post-COVID re-boot

I’m ready for new opportunities to help explain science and engineering with my expert-level skills at photography. I’ve had a life-long curiosity for learning about how this miraculous universe works.

Also posted in Biotech, Commercial photography, Medical, Purdue

Back at it.

Dave Bangert pulled me from the idled photographers’ bull-pen and asked me to go out to the Tippecanoe County 4-H Fair, for his community journalism project; Based in Lafayette. Here is what I found.

Also posted in Pets, Uncategorized

Covid Slumber

It’s time to wake up again. I’ve been napping, overeating, and then slimming down and learning new skills for the past 2 years: Adobe Premier, color grading, captioning, and most importantly capturing great audio. I’ll post more about that soon, in the meantime enjoy this photograph of the setting sun of the Purdue University Belltower. 

Also posted in Architecture, Purdue

No rest for the needed..

I made this montage from various photographs made for Purdue University, walk-in clients, and other entities. I work quickly before the decisive moment has passed.   

Click the image to see in detail, thanks for dropping by!

Also posted in Biotech, Commercial photography, Medical, Pets, Portraits, Purdue, Uncategorized

Finding the extraordinary in ordinary

Finding the extraordinary in ordinary situations, it’s what seasoned professional image makers do.

Also posted in Commercial photography, Medical, Portraits

Slice of Life

Missing the days when I looked for “free art” or feature photos as a newspaper photographer, I saw this youngster getting a haircut along with his father.  I walked passed and thought it was a nice slice of life, returned with my camera and captured it.  I gave the Sony A7ii file some post processing to make it look like some pushed TriX would have looked when I was working for a newspaper in 1986.

(Click image for full view)DSC00002
Also posted in black and white, Uncategorized

Profiles in cancer research

Honored again to make the rounds at Purdue University making portraits of cancer researchers.

Dr. Tiffany Lyle

Dr. Tiffany Lyle

Dr. Herman Sintim

Dr. Herman Sintim

Also posted in Medical, Purdue

Portraits for a highly accomplished career

Earlier this year I was honored to receive a call to make photographs for local businessman Mike Gibson, co-owner of Mulhaupt’s Inc., for his appointment to the Door and Security+Safety Professionals Board of Governors.  The portraits were used in the trade publication, and by Mike to celebrate his long and successful career as one of Lafayette’s business leaders.

Mike Gibson

Mike Gibson

Mike Gibson

Mike Gibson

Also posted in Commercial photography, Portraits

Dog whisperer

I’ve hired and photographed more dog models than actual human models.  Both these pups are therapy dogs, the bulldog puppies were photographed for the breeder.Welks_16-160 Fran_Laf-216frank2lr0184frank

Also posted in Commercial photography, dogs., Portraits Tagged , , |

Recent Portraits


Dr. Gareth Vaughan

Mike Gibson

Mike Gibson


Arjun Ramani


Arjun Ramani


Emily Grundy


Frank !

Also posted in black and white, Commercial photography, Portraits