I made this montage from various photographs made for Purdue University, walk-in clients, and other entities. I work quickly before the decisive moment has passed.
Click the image to see in detail, thanks for dropping by!
A long term client pinged my e-mail today while I was in the coffee shop. The ask was for a portrait of Ruth Lilly made in 1996, they sheepishly asked if I could locate it today! I responded that I knew exactly where the negatives and extra prints were. Digital copy of the portrait made and sent to the client within an hour. Another fire is out.
More on this portrait; I arrived at Lilly’s home on a Saturday morning to find she wasn’t sure about having the portrait made. I got to talk to her a few minutes and she decided to let me make a few photographs beside the roses. I made only 7 or so images when she said; “I’m sure you have enough.” She approved the image posted here.
She was a lady of another time, I’m glad to have met her and a few Hoosier other luminaries for this ongoing project.
Earlier this year I was honored to receive a call to make photographs for local businessman Mike Gibson, co-owner of Mulhaupt’s Inc., for his appointment to the Door and Security+Safety Professionals Board of Governors. The portraits were used in the trade publication, and by Mike to celebrate his long and successful career as one of Lafayette’s business leaders.
I’ve hired and photographed more dog models than actual human models. Both these pups are therapy dogs, the bulldog puppies were photographed for the breeder.
I’ve photographed this group of fine people for more than a decade. A couple ‘charactors’ have joined the group. Saturday sitting in the studio and about town.
My work is always about the play of light, but light maters not if the spirit of the relationship is lost. This brother and sister have been visiting the studio around New Year’s Day for a couple years now.
Illustrating success stories and helping launch successful companies.
Something I’ve done since 1989; portraits for a bank in the Chicago area.
All content copyright Vincent Walter.